On Monday, November 2nd, over 50 professional NYC women packed the Lecture Loft to participate in Eventsy’s first ever Women’s Empowerment Summit. Eventsy provided a space for women to freely share their experiences, ask questions, and network with potential mentors and like-minded professionals.
The panelists–Lorraine Galvis, Sophia Kerby, and Laura Westman–shared their story and discussed challenges facing women in the workforce while giving advice to the audience. Eventsy’s own Christina Stathopoulos moderated the panel discussion, and Maria Pardalis was a key figure in facilitating open discussion. Here we share our top 4 takeaways:
“Don’t ever compromise your character for a promotion or any kind of advancement. Your principles and integrity should always come first. Let your passion move you forward and allow you to organically build connections” – Lorraine Galvis, Founder & Principal, Galvis & Company.
“Your moments of empowerment should never come at someone else’s expense” – Sophia Kerby, Manager, Advocates for Youth.
“Take a look at where you’re giving your power away. Trust your gut and know when to say yes or no” – Laura Westman, Professional Certified Coach.
“You never know who you can learn from. Don’t give into the stereotype that you should only associate with a certain group of people. Both men and women can empower you if you choose the right people” – Maria Pardalis, Founder & CEO, Eventsy.
With its energizing panel of female leaders and entrepreneurs, this event abounded with inspiration and likely galvanized many into action. Thanks to the Eventsy team for organizing this event and to the sponsors for making it possible!
contributed by Shelcy & Christy Joseph of nycxclothes