
Exclusive Networking Events for Manhattan’s Elite


Fall Back "Eventsy-Style"

Fall Back "Eventsy-Style"

Although fall’s arrival forces us to pack away our swimsuits and part ways with sparkling summer cocktails, we also get to finally say goodbye to sticky humidity and mosquitoes—all while welcoming fresher air as well as the familiar and warm aroma of pumpkin spice lattes. The shortest yet most eventful season of the year, autumn never fails to instill in us a sense of nostalgia. It allows us to indulge in exciting city merriments, but also reminds us to reconnect with our families and loved ones, as we together prepare for the holidays ahead.

Eventsy—jam-packed with planning and coordinating—loves to feed off of the delightful energy that’s contagious throughout NYC’s streets. We kicked off our busiest season of the year launching pre-fashion week parties, including our Rene Lautrec Charity Event and Fashion Week Kickoff Party. As everyone finally begins to settle back into the swing of school or work, we become ready to take on all that this fascinating city really has to offer!

A great time to capitalize on business or social opportunities, fall in New York City restores in us life and confidence after our regretful farewell to summer vacation. Now is a great time for us to redefine and polish ourselves. Similar to the changing of the weather, we too are changing the way we dress, the drinks we order, and events we attend. Eventsy is here to encourage everyone to continue to get out and meet new people, despite the cooler weather. We hustle to ensure no one misses out on taking advantage of an eclectic season of events, ranging from Networking Power Hours to Trivia Nights. Let’s all remember to enjoy this charming season together before it leaves us for a year once again.

Take these 5 tips into consideration this week to get yourself into the fall spirit!

1) Bring out your winter coats! Now is the perfect time to take your winter coats out of storage and dry clean certain ones if necessary. Also bring out scarves, hats, and gloves and hang all up in your closet to ready their use.

2) Take a few minutes out of your day to think of loved ones you have not connected with in a while. Fall is the perfect time to reconnect with family and friends.

3) Begin planning a fun date or holiday party. It’s never too soon to start organizing and coordinating events—take it from us at Eventsy! Timing is everything.

4) Go out and buy decorative pumpkins, holiday scented candles, or ingredients for Apple pie. This season is all about spiced aromas and warm comfort food!

5) Check out Eventsy’s calendar online to find a fun event to attend! We have plenty coming up to cater to everyone’s tastes—whether it be an After Work Beer & Networking Night, Ladies Beauty Day, or Speed Networking & Cocktails Social.

contributed by Camille Pogorevcnik



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